Securing the Future for Veteran Trees across Europe
International seminar organised by the VETree Project
15th October 2014
Trollhättan, Västra Götaland, Sweden
Veteran trees are a part of our cultural heritage and provide a home to a wide range of rare and threatened species. Veteran trees have been valued and celebrated throughout history and are a fundamental part of many European cultural landscapes. They are however, under threat across the whole of Europe. Despite the very high biodiversity value of veteran trees, supporting several EU protected species, only a few Annex I Natura 2000 habitats include veteran trees as a crucial element. This makes resources for their management difficult to secure. We have a joint responsibility to raise awareness of their value, secure their protection and manage them appropriately for the future.
This seminar brings together a wide range of stakeholders, from policy makers and site managers to arborists, cultural historians and ecologists. It will provide an opportunity to share experiences and find solutions for securing the future of veteran trees at a local and European level.
The VETree project has produced a range of freely available training material in six different languages to help raise awareness and improve management of our veteran trees.
Booking is now closed
Seminar Programme (pdf, 433.26K)
Download the seminar presentations here
Attendance to the seminar will be free and free transport to and from Göteborg will be provided.
There will be an optional evening meal (for an additional charge), with after dinner speaker on the evening of the 15th October.