Pro Natura


Pro Natura was created as a cooperative research and consultancy company at the end of the 1980’s. Pro Natura works primarily with issues related to nature conservation and has a wide level of competence within the majority of fields within terrestrial ecology. All staff have an ecological background, each with a specialist area including one of Sweden’s experts in the management of ancient trees. We also have personnel experienced in translation, design and layout. Our organisation works regularly with vocational training delivery in the areas of ancient trees, species identification and habitat management in Sweden and in other countries in Europe. We also carry out surveys, monitoring, environmental impact assessments and produce management plans. The majority of our work is carried out in Sweden, but we have also worked in the Baltic States, Russia and the UK.



Role in the VETree project

In the VETree project, Pro Natura is the project applicant and is responsible to the Swedish National Agency for the implementation and budget for the project. Pro Natura works closely with Inverde who are the project coordinator. Pro Natura is the coordinator of work packages 2 and 3: the collection and compilation of course material.  Pro Natura will also be involved in all the other work packages, contributing with their veteran tree management and training expertise and will ensure that the transfer of innovation is fit for purpose. Pro Natura will be responsible for the sustainability and exploitation of the project’s results in Sweden. Pro Natura will ensure this via collaboration with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.


Contact persons
Vikki Bengtsson:
Ola Bengtsson:

Pro Natura
Träringen 66
41679 Göteborg